Blog Post Ideas for Book Bloggers: TONS of Creative Prompts to Inspire Your Writing

As an experienced writer and owner of multiple successful blogs, I understand how daunting a task creating blog posts can be. That’s why I’m here to offer 70 inspiring blog post ideas specifically tailored for book bloggers. Whether you are looking to review books, conduct an author interview, or compare titles, these creative prompts will help you create engaging content that your readers will love. With my expertise in the field, you can trust that each of these ideas is sure to get your creativity flowing and make your next blog post stand out from the rest.

Writing blog posts about books is a great way for book bloggers to inform and engage readers in the literary world. Here are some blog post ideas to get you started:

  • Book reviews – use your expertise to provide insight into interesting books that readers may be interested in.
  • Author interviews – highlight authors who have released new books recently and give readers an opportunity to learn more about their work.
  • Book comparisons – contrast different titles to help readers decide which book they should read.
  • Book lists – compile lists of recommendations based on genre or reader interests.
  • Current events related to books – discuss any newsworthy topics related to literature.

Book Reviews

Writing book reviews is a great way for book bloggers to share their honest opinions about a particular book. It allows readers to have an understanding of what they should expect if they decide to pick up the same book. Book reviews should provide an impartial description without giving away too much detail, so as not to spoil it for potential readers. Additionally, it’s important to explain why you liked or disliked the book, citing specific examples from the book to illustrate your point.

Creating a rating system can be beneficial when writing your review and it helps quantify the opinion you have formed from reading the book. You could add a rating system of stars (1-5) or incorporate other factors including length of time taken to read, characters/plot development, etc. Be sure to also consider any special features that may be included in the edition you read such as illustrations or annotations.

Book Lists & Round-Ups

Period Book Lists

If you’re looking for diverse story ideas, period books are the way to go! Create lists that focus on particular genres and time periods such as Ancient Greece, medieval England, and Victorian London. Invite your readers to take a journey into history with you as they explore books written during those time periods. Furthermore, curate lists that dive into specific authors who wrote within that period and compare different titles.

Let’s take a journey through the top 10 books of all time! Over the next 10 weeks, let’s dive into each of these works and analyse what makes them so great. Invite your readers to come along with you, regardless of their age – chances are, someone in the group might be familiar with what the others had on their list. It’ll be an intriguing experience where you can uncover different perspectives and share your own thoughts – join us and explore the wonders of literature!

Indie Author Book Lists

Sharing lists of books by independent authors can be a great way to discover fresh, undiscovered talent and new stories. It also helps promote these authors and get their work noticed, as major publishing houses don’t often provide the same support they offer to traditional authors. If you have an active social media presence and clear guidelines for book reviews, this will help bring indie writers to you! Make sure to feature high-quality books that may go unrecognised otherwise.

Niche Book Lists

People love lists because it makes decision-making easier – instead of having hundreds of choices narrowed down to just ten selections based on genre or another criteria. When creating niche book lists think outside the box; don’t just stick to one genre but rather blend several genres together such as historical fiction meets romance or dystopian meets mystery.

Using unusual descriptive words can help attract attention when promoting your post – words like “scandalous” “unorthodox” and “provocative” can potentially draw in more curious readers wanting more information related to your post.

  • “Books About X” List
  • “Books For Y” List

Famous People Recommendations

We all love taking recommendations from our favourite actors, musicians or celebrity influencers – so why not create blog posts around famous people’s recommended reading? Explore various topics ranging from female empowerment stories to cosy crime novels recommended by popular figures online.

You can also link back any official author websites which feature interviews or Q&As with famous people recommending books. Don’t forget to include cover images and quotes from said celebrities who commented on certain titles when possible!

Theme Lists

Find unique books to read with themed lists! Group titles under different emotions such as joy, relaxation, colours, seasons and more. See how each theme has impacted cover art over the years. Discover wonderful stories that capture your feelings and bring a bit of joy into your life.

While making seasonal list ideas look out for new releases related special day–not just reusing older recommendations. This would also be a good opportunity for self-promotion if YOU happen have written holiday-related literature recently released!.

Additionally, group similar elements such as warm/cold colours together and reference how each theme has inspired cover art throughout time!

While making seasonal list ideas look out for new releases related special day–not just reusing older recommendations. This would also be a good opportunity for self-promotion if YOU happen have written holiday-related literature recently released!

Seasonal, Special Day & Holiday Book Lists

From cozy winter reads to summer beach books, crafting themed-booklists for each season can be a great way to show readers what titles suit the occasion. Special days like Christmas or Labor Day holidays open up even more opportunities for seasonal book lists. Use some of these bookish prompts to inspire your seasonal and holiday lists!

  • Summer Beach Reads
  • Halloween Reads for Kids & Adults
  • Back-to-School Book List
  • Romantic Valentine’s Day Books
  • Thanksgiving Picture Books & Novels
  • Christmas Classics & Myths
  • New Year’s Resolution Reads

Favorite Book Club Books

Not sure what book your book club should read next? Take a peek at these top-notch titles to get the conversation flowing! From dystopian trilogies to charming romances, there’s something for every reader’s fancy. Check out :

Books For Teens That Adults Will Love

Adults are always looking for books that their teenage son or daughter would appreciate as well. As a book blogger, you can curate lists of old classics or modern books that adult and teen readers alike can enjoy. To get started you can compile titles such as The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – all which have been loved by both adults and teenagers.

Make sure to include books from a variety of popular genres, such as fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, romance, thriller and mystery. Also include recommendations for non-fiction titles like biographies and autobiographies that young people will be interested in reading. When making your list consider notable authors such as John Green, Stephen King and Sarah Dessen who all have works that are perfect for this kind of audience.

Picture Books About A Specific Teachable Topic For Kids

As a book blogger you can offer parents valuable insights into choosing children’s books related to teachable topics like kindness and sharing. Reading picture books with kids is an easily accessible way for them to explore these themes which is why it’s important for parents to find age-appropriate books on various topics.

When creating your list you should conduct research through sources like Amazon reviews and Goodreads ratings – but don’t forget to check local libraries too! Some great picks to consider could be Be Kind by Patricia Hruby Powell and Lily Diamond or In My Family/En Mi Familia by Carmen Lomas Garza. Additionally details like illustrations or bilingual editions could help make the selection process easier.

Favorite Audiobooks

Audiobook technology has made reading exciting again for people who may not have had enough time to sit down with physical books before. As a book blogger, create a list of your favorite audiobooks to share with readers who may be looking for new content on-the-go. You can find established favorites on popular streaming services or search online through websites like LibroFM where customers earn rewards each time they purchase an audiobook.

Notable picks could include stories like Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley – both being major blockbusters in the audiobook world right now! Or maybe you prefer poignant novels such as I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou or Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens? Nowadays there is something out there for everyone!

Read Alikes

Are you ever stuck trying to decide which book to read next after finishing one that you absolutely loved? Use your blog posts as a platform for helping readers find similar titles so they can relive those same emotions produced from a certain story that moved them. Consider taking one of your favorite books and using inferred data from other blogs or literature resources online to provide accurate recommendations

For instance if someone finished Sherlock Holmes recently then suggest similar detective stories such as Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Mysteries or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s other works featuring Holmes himself; perhaps even Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven would appeal depending on what genre the reader was trying to explore next!

Not-Your-Average Book Review

Book reviewing isn’t just giving star ratings anymore – many readers are turning away from usernames that only give short summaries with no real insight into the actual book itself. Provide readers concise yet comprehensive reviews of different titles while engaging their imagination with emotive descriptions of what they are missing out on if they don’t pick up a certain novel.

  • “Focus on exploring particular characters traits”
  • “Discuss the dialogue – how does it advance the plot?”
  • “Analyse how cultural norms are used in the story”
  • “Evaluate how suspenseful a particular scene was constructed”

Book reviewers often want more than just personal opinions – explain WHY certain elements resonated with you or perhaps why some aspects were detrimental to your overall experience.

Book Quotes

Book Tags

Replace clichéd sentences about how much readers love quote passages from their favorite books with hashtag campaigns surrounding those passages! Instead of writing about said quotes yourself create social media hashtags dedicated entirely to promoting particular phrases found within books instead.

  • “Encourage users to submit their own favourite lines”
  • “Include relevant book tags across Twitter, Instagram & Facebook”
  • “Share unique perspectives & join conversations related to these tags”

Cover Reveals

Everybody loves announcing shiny new covers so why not use your blog post ideas section as an opportunity to show readers some upcoming artwork?! Reach out directly (or via publishing houses) when relevant releases start popping up around preordering times and ask permission whether or not you could use an exclusive cover reveal – maybe even offer a literary giveaway too?!

Author Interviews

Having direct conversations with authors is invaluable practice when developing relationships between bloggers & authors themselves – it’s a great way for authors to get exposure & allow readers an inside look at their writing life experiences.

  • “Ask questions about current projects & past experiences related to writing “
  • ” Share promotional material prior / during / after interviews”

Offer guest post / live Q&A opportunities alongside author interviews – this will provide content variations throughout your blog posts & introduce new writers into your feed..

Guest Posts

Chatting with authors is a fantastic way to liven up your book blog. Ask them about their stories, personal anecdotes and upcoming titles for an all-new reading experience. Plus, it gives readers a more personal glimpse into the minds of their favorite writers. Bring these conversations to life by hosting author interviews on your website. Not only will it make your blog stand out from the crowd, but readers will also have an opportunity to learn even more about these beloved authors.

You can also use guest posts to expand the discussion around specific books or topics. Reach out to other book bloggers who specialize in certain genres and invite them to share their expert insights on various topics. This is a great way to bring in fresh perspectives and new voices into the book blogging community.

Giveaways, Contests, and Awards

Hosting giveaways and creating contests can be an effective way of engaging readers with your blog. You could challenge people to design their own book covers, create art inspired by a particular novel, or even write alternative endings for beloved classics.

You can also nominate readers for awards or recognition based on their contributions in the book blogging community. This will not only foster engagement but help build relationships with those who have been showing support for your blog.

Blog Tours

Organizing blog tours is another great way of giving readers an exclusive look at certain books or authors. Invite a variety of popular authors onto your blog tour and give followers an intimate look at what goes on behind-the-scenes – from writing process Q&As to exclusive excerpts from upcoming books.

You could also include snippets from reviews written by other bloggers or readers so that prospective buyers can get an idea of different opinions regarding the same book.

Favorite Reviews & Comments From Other Bloggers & Readers

One of the best ways to engage with readers is by highlighting some of the best reviews and comments left by other bloggers and readers. Everyone loves being recognized for the effort they put into writing reviews or leaving insightful comments, so why not show appreciation by featuring some of these gems?

Your followers will appreciate being featured in such posts as much as they do when they’re nominated for awards.

Did Not Finish (DNF) Books

Not all books are instant hits. If you’ve ever come across a boring title that simply didn’t captivate you enough to finish, consider sharing your experience with others – it may just save someone else from having the same ordeal. Your audience will really appreciate honesty!

Write candidly about why you decided it wasn’t worth finishing, focusing on both its strengths and weaknesses without bashing it too hard since there’s still a chance that somebody else might enjoy it.

Tips on How to Utilize Goodreads

Goodreads is a great resource for book lovers – here’s how to make the most of it! Start by making lists of books you want to read and use customized shelves to organize them. Set monthly reminders to check in on new releases and their reviews. Join some clubs with like-minded readers, get involved in giveaways, and take part in discussions about your favorite authors or genres. All of these activities can help you get the full experience from Goodreads!

Being knowledgeable about the wide range of features available means that you’ll be able to help others benefit from this useful site too.

How To Find The Right Book For You

Sometimes finding the perfect book can feel like looking for a needle in a hay stack – we all have preferences when it comes to genres, topics, stories etc., so ensure that you introduce your audience to titles they won’t want to miss out on.

If you’re looking to expand your reading list, have a look at some interesting new releases! From indie presses to big names, there’s definitely something out there for every reader with varying interests. Don’t forget to explore the hidden gems across different genres – you might find something that surprises you and quickly become your new favorite.

How To Get The Most Out Of A Book

How To Better Organize A Book Collection

Do you alphabetize titles by last name or organize shelves according to genre? No matter what system works best for you, let your followers join in on the fun! Talk about how you sort out paperbacks from hardcovers, which select editions deserve prime display spots etc., more often than not organization methods prove surprisingly difficult yet rewarding tasks!

This post can be filled with creative ideas – why not treat it as an experiment – try different methods out every few months and compare results afterwards? Sharing updates along this journey would be particularly interesting– sometimes change isn’t bad after all!

How to Read Faster

As a bookworm, it can often feel like you can never finish all the books on your ‘to-read’ list. Whether someone is trying to read more books or just speed through their favorite series faster, they may be looking for tips on how to read faster. Some techniques that have helped make reading faster for me include skimming chapters for main points, avoiding distractions and taking regular breaks.

One thing I often hear from people is that they get overwhelmed with the amount of information in a chapter and end up getting distracted and behind. To avoid this feeling of being overwhelmed, I suggest focusing on just the main points within a chapter before moving onto the next one. Skimming what’s important in each section will help you stay on track and give you an overview of the story so far.

Tips to Get Out of That Reading Slump

Reading slumps can happen even to the most voracious reader. Everyone needs a break sometimes – whether it’s because our motivation has dropped or we simply need something light and enjoyable after so much heavy literature. One way to shake off your slump is simply change up your genres – if you usually read fantasy, why not go for some historical fiction? Or if you like thrillers, try out a romance instead.

Another great way to get out of a reading slump is by going outside! Take yourself on a little walking expedition or visit the local library (if allowed) and explore new genres that are completely foreign to you. Keeping your brain fresh with different ideas will reignite your love of reading.

When deciding what book to pick up next, it helps to pay attention to which topics hold your interest at any given moment. If there’s current news stories impacting society, such as global warming or inequality, then look for books centered on those topics that could provide insight into these issues. It’s also helpful to watch bookTube videos and follow recommendation posts on social media to discover new books – especially ones written by indie authors who often fly under the radar.

In addition, speaking with friends about what they have been reading is always welcome! Rarely do two readers have similar taste in literature; however, hearing others’ perspectives can spark ideas as to what you should read next. No matter which method you use – trust yourself when making the decision and don’t let anyone else sway your opinion.

TV Shows & Films Based on Books

Physical vs Digital Books

Many people find different types of satisfaction from both physical books and digital reads. Physical books offer hours perusing bookshops for just the right cover design or dust jacket edition while digital offers convenience in downloading favorite titles directly from an ebook library. Whichever type one prefers comes down to personal preference yet both provide invaluable experiences.

  • For physical books: benefit from turning actual pages; smells associated with vintage books; variety of typesetting styles found in print; collectible editions available; tangible feel during reading.
  • For digital books: portability; plenty of storage space; quickly accessing audio/visual capabilities; greener solution than paper-printing; easier bookmarking/highlighting capability.

TV Series or Book: Which is Better?

It can be difficult deciding whether a book or movie adaptation of it provided better entertainment value. With television series increasingly based off of novels nowadays due its greater time allotment for character development than movies – viewers may now find themselves debating between which medium served them best.

  • Books bring readers more into characters’ heads via inner monologues and narration details; immersive experience possible due greater character expansion potential.
  • TV shows provide additional visual sensation accompanying plots with scene locations plus costumes/makeup effects; moments are made more powerful since they become bigger than just words on pages.

“Book Vs TV show” could be an interesting discussion topic all together with each person having different opinions based off their own experiences through these works. These conversations unearth individuals’ thoughts on how faithful adaptations should remain true to original texts versus allowing room for creators’ own liberties.


What should I write in my first book blog post?

When embarking on your first book blog post, it’s important to be passionate and informative. Start by researching the author and their work – what inspired them to produce this book, what themes are explored and how does it compare to other works in the same genre? Once you’ve established a good understanding of the text, use your post to discuss and review it from an analytical perspective, leaving your readers with a feeling of appreciation for the author’s effort.

Is creating a book blog a beneficial endeavor?

Absolutely! If you are an avid reader, starting a book blog provides a great opportunity to discover new authors and express your thoughts about the books. As a bonus, blogging also allows you to connect with other readers from around the world, creating a community of like-minded people who share an appreciation for literature. Plus, the process is fun and engaging – and you might even develop some professional writing skills along the way.

What kind of bloggers generate the highest income?

The type of bloggers that make the most money tend to be those with a niche focus, such as book blogging. These blogs are typically written by passionate readers who offer deep insights into new authors and stories. They attract larger audiences and subsequently generate more revenue through blog advertisements and affiliate links.

Book blogs are still alive and well in the world of literature. They provide readers with both a platform to discover new authors as well as gain insightful information about books they may be interested in. Individuals passionate about literature can share reviews, observations, and give advice to other readers through their book blogs. Furthermore, book blogs can act as an effective form of promotion for authors looking to gain more exposure for their work.


With these creative blog post ideas for book bloggers, you should have plenty of ideas to get the literary juices flowing and help you inform and engage readers on your blog. Whether you’re reviewing books, interviewing authors or creating book lists, your blog can be a great resource for readers looking for interesting content. So take advantage of these blog post ideas for book bloggers and let your content shine!

For even more blog post ideas to help your blogging efforts, make sure to check out other resources that discuss ways to create engaging and entertaining content around books. With the right guidance, you’ll have no shortage of ideas when it comes to blog post ideas for book bloggers – so don’t wait any longer and start writing today!

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