21 Best Blogging Practices (and Mistakes to AVOID)

Are you a blogger looking to increase your reach and engagement? Look no further! In this blog, you will find the best blogging practices that will help you take your blog to the next level. From SEO tricks to writing tips, you will learn how to optimize your blog for maximum reader engagement and success. So, if you’re serious about making your blog a success, keep reading to learn the best blogging practices.

Blogging is an excellent way to share your thoughts and experiences. To get the most out of it, use best practices such as creating quality content, connecting with your audience, and being consistent.

And stay till the end, where I will go through some important mistakes to avoid when starting your blog!

Here are the best practices to follow for your blog:

18 best blogging practices

1. Have a Purpose or “Why”

Having a purpose or “why” is an essential part of starting a blog. It is important to have a clear purpose for your blog, as it will help you to create content that is meaningful and relevant to your readers.

This can be as simple as wanting to share your thoughts and experiences, or it could be about a specific topic or area of expertise. Having a clear purpose for your blog will also help you to connect with your audience and build a loyal following.

It is also important to make sure your blog’s purpose is clearly stated on your About page. This is the first page that readers will see when they visit your blog, so it is important to make sure they understand the purpose of your blog right away.

You can also include a brief snippet about the purpose of your blog in your sidebar so that readers can quickly find out what your blog is about.

2. Become an Expert in Your Field

Becoming an expert in your field is a great way to get the most out of blogging. To do this, you need to make sure you are doing your research and learning as much as you can about your chosen topic.

This means reading other articles, listening to podcasts, and watching YouTube videos related to your topic. By doing this, you will gain a better understanding of the subject, and be able to provide your readers with valuable information.

Another way to become an expert in your field is to ask questions. Ask yourself questions about the topic you are writing about, and then research the answers. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject and allow you to provide your readers with more in-depth information.

You should also be sure to stay up to date with the latest developments in your field. This can be done by subscribing to newsletters, reading blogs, and following experts on social media.

3. Create Quality Content

Start With a Clear and Concise Idea

Before beginning the writing process, start by clearly defining what the purpose of the blog post will be and create a structure for how you want it to flow. Consider what topic(s) should be covered in each section of your piece as well as its takeaways or call-to-actions (CTAs).

Before you start writing, make sure you have a plan in place. This will ensure your content is both focused and organized, which will keep readers engaged throughout the entire piece. If readers can guess what comes next without actually reading it, then there’s not enough value to keep them hooked until they reach the end goal; typically to convert or gain leads through CTAs. Writing with clarity and purpose is key to capturing and keeping readers’ attention.

Create Engaging Content

It’s essential that you create engaging content in order to ensure readers actually read through every section—not just skim through it looking for something interesting right away.

Create content that quickly solves problems while being entertaining and visually appealing. Use eye-catching headlines to grab readers’ attention. Help them achieve their work and personal development goals with words like ‘quickest’ or ‘most effective’.

4. Use Social Media Strategically

Identify The Right Platforms

In order to maximize engagement for blog posts, it is important to identify the right social media platform that best resonates with your target audience. This can be done by crafting content that utilizes the features of each platform and sharing relevant sharable formats that are tailored to their interests. Timing and context also play an important role in creating an unforgettable experience and boosting the promotion campaigns.

Posting images and videos on Instagram brings major engagement while using hashtags on Twitter is a great way to increase visibility. This in turn leads to an increase in organic traffic that gradually results in improved ROI.

Share Relevant Content

Social media can be a great tool to reach more people with your content and drive traffic to your blog. Sharing relevant, engaging content is the key to success on these platforms.

The more targeted and useful your content is, the greater the chances of engagement from followers. When using social media to share your blog posts, make sure to include hashtags that are relevant to your post, as this will help you reach even more potential readers.

Connect with Audience Members

Building relationships with people who are interested in what you have to offer is essential for any successful blogging campaign. Social media gives you an opportunity to interact directly with potential readers and get feedback on topics they would like to see addressed in future posts. A great way to do this is through comment threads and polls, which will allow others to voice their opinion and engage with your answers. Additionally, creating a group or community page allows you to form relationships with like-minded people and form meaningful conversations about topics relevant to your audience.

5. Leverage CTAs for Conversions

Calls To Action (CTAs) are triggers that encourage users to take action — such as downloading an ebook, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting another web page. They should be strategically placed within specific blog posts so that readers are encouraged to complete the intended action after reading the post.

If you want to encourage readers to take action on your blog posts, adding a CTA at the bottom or via a slide-in is a good place to start. You can also utilize buttons within your post’s body which gives it more of an opportunity for conversion. This is a great way to keep people engaged and progress them further down the funnels as they read your post.

Strategically Place CTAs Within Posts

CTAs (calls-to-action) are essential to converting website visitors into leads and customers. They provide a strong signal to take action – whether it’s to subscribe, buy, or download something. Inserting effective CTAs into posts strategically increases conversions. To get the best results, place CTAs near the top of posts, in content body and at the very end.

6. Incorporate Strategic Keywords

Incorporating strategic keywords into your blog posts is an important part of optimizing your content for search engines. Keywords are the words and phrases that people use when searching for a particular topic. By including them in your content, you increase the chances that your blog post will show up in search engine results.

When selecting keywords, it is important to do research and identify ones that are relevant to your topic and that have a high search volume. You should also consider the competition for the keywords. If there are a lot of other websites using the same keyword, it may be difficult for your post to rank well.

Once you have identified the best keywords to use in your blog post, you should incorporate them strategically throughout the content. This means using them in the title, headings, and body of your post. You should also use them in the meta description, which is the short description of the post that appears in search engine results.

7. Invest in Your About Page

Having an effective About page is essential for any blog. It is the first thing that potential readers will see when they visit your blog, and it sets the tone for what they expect to find. Investing time and effort into creating a great About page will pay off in the long run.

The initial step to take is of course to name your blog and get the right domain. For example, if you need help in naming a lifestyle blog, I have a great article about it!

An About page should give readers a clear understanding of what your blog is about and who you are. It should be concise and engaging, and it should explain in a few sentences what your blog is about and what readers can expect to find. It should also include a brief biography of you and a photo if possible.

Moreover, it is important to use your real name on your About page. This will help to build trust with your readers and let them know that you are a real person. Additionally, you should include a way to contact you, this can also include social media accounts and other ways for readers to get in touch with you.

8. Make Your Posts Easy to Read

Making your posts easy to read is an essential part of successful blogging. By taking the time to format your posts in a way that is easy to read and understand, you can ensure that your readers will be able to get the most out of your content.

One way to make your posts easier to read is to use shorter sentences and paragraphs. If a sentence is too long, it can be difficult for readers to follow the thought process. Additionally, breaking up your content into smaller paragraphs makes it more scannable and easier to digest.

Using headings and subheadings is another great way to make your posts easier to read. This allows readers to quickly scan the post and get the gist of what the article is about. It also encourages readers to read more of the post if they find something interesting.

Including visuals such as images, videos, and infographics can also help make your posts easier to read, helping your post to stand out.

9. Use a Conversational Tone

When blogging, it’s important to use a conversational tone. This means writing as if you were talking to a friend or neighbor about your topic. It’s important to avoid sounding overly formal or too “expert” in your writing. Instead, act as if you’re just sharing something you know or have researched.

When writing, use language that is easy to understand. Break up long sentences into shorter ones and avoid using overly complex words. It’s also important to make sure your writing is easy to follow. Use transition words to help readers move from one thought to the next.

To make your writing more conversational, use the second-person point of view. This means speaking directly to your readers as “you” and using words like “we” when referring to yourself and your readers. This helps build a deeper connection between you and your audience.

Links are an essential aspect of blogging and should not be overlooked. Links are vital for SEO and can help your readers to further explore topics they may be interested in.

When creating links, it’s important to ensure they are relevant and serve your readers’ interests. Contextual links are the best option, as they appear natural and are more likely to be clicked on. Additionally, you can include references to related articles at the bottom of the page.

To maximize the effectiveness of links, you should also include internal links. Internal links are links that point to other pages on your website. This can help readers to easily navigate your website and discover related content. Additionally, it can help to increase the time spent on your website, as readers can find more content that interests them.

Including external links is also important. These are links that point to other websites. External links can help to add credibility to your content, as you are referencing other reputable sources.

11. Write Unique Content

Writing unique content helps to establish credibility, build trust, and create a connection with your audience. Unique content also helps to differentiate your blog from others and stand out in the crowd.

When creating content, it’s important to ensure that it is of the highest quality. Utilize strong writing skills and ensure that your content is well-researched, accurate, and engaging. Take the time to proofread your work and make sure it’s free of any errors.

When writing about high demand topics, try to look at them from a unique perspective. This can help to set you apart from the competition and make your content more memorable. You can also use storytelling techniques to bring your content to life and make it more interesting.

12. Minimize the Number of Categories

Having too many categories on a blog can be overwhelming for readers. It can also make it difficult for them to find the content they are looking for. That’s why it’s important to keep the number of categories on your blog to a minimum.

By limiting the number of categories, you can ensure that your readers can easily find the content they are looking for. This will also make it easier for you to organize your blog content.

When deciding how many categories to use, it’s important to consider the type of content you’ll be creating. If your blog covers a wide range of topics, then you may need more than three categories. However, if your blog focuses on a specific topic, then you may only need one or two categories.

It’s also important to make sure that each post belongs to only one category. This will help you to keep your blog well organized.

13. Use Multimedial Elements

Incorporating multimedia into your blog posts is an essential best practice for engaging readers and enhancing the overall user experience. Multimedia elements such as images, videos, audio, and infographics are great for illustrating your points and helping your readers to better understand and remember your content.

Images are one of the most powerful visual tools when it comes to blogging. Not only can they provide visual interest to your readers, but they can also be used to communicate ideas and concepts.

When selecting images, make sure they are high-quality and relevant to your content. Avoid stock photos as they can be perceived as a signal of low quality for a webpage.

Videos are another great way to engage your readers and add a unique touch to your blog posts. Videos can be used to explain complex topics, provide an in-depth look into a product or service, or simply entertain your readers.

14. Promote Your Blog

Promoting your blog is an essential part of successful blogging. It is important to get your content out to as many people as possible, so that you can grow your readership and build an engaged community.

There are many ways to promote your blog, such as social media, email newsletters, search engine optimization (SEO), and paid advertising.

Social media is one of the most popular platforms for promoting your blog. You can post links to your blog on various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can also join relevant groups and communities on social media and share your posts there.

Email newsletters are another great way to promote your blog. You can create a mailing list of subscribers and send them regular updates about your blog. Include links to your latest posts and use catchy headlines to draw readers in.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is by far the best way to increase your blog’s visibility.

15. Measure Your Blog’s Performance

Measuring the performance of your blog is essential for understanding how well it is doing and how you can make improvements.

With the right tools, you can track the success of your blog over time and make adjustments as necessary. Google Search Console and Google Analytics are two of the most popular and reliable tools for measuring the performance of your blog.

Google Search Console allows you to track how your blog is appearing in search engine results. You can see which keywords your blog is ranking for and how much traffic you’re getting from those keywords. You can also see which pages are getting the most clicks and use this data to optimize your blog for better performance.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to measure the performance of your blog in many ways. You can see which pages are getting the most visitors, where they’re coming from, and the amount of time they’re spending on each page.

16. Engage Your Audience

Engaging your audience is one of the most important aspects of blogging. There are several ways to do this, such as responding to comments, asking questions, and creating polls. By engaging your audience, you will build relationships and loyalty, as well as gain valuable feedback.

Start by responding to comments. This is a great way to show your readers that you are listening and that their opinion matters. When someone takes the time to comment on your blog, it is important to acknowledge them. Even if the comment is negative, it is important to respond in a courteous and constructive way.

You can also ask questions to engage your audience. Ask them for their opinion on a certain topic or ask them to share their experiences. This will help you create content that your readers will find interesting and relevant.

Creating polls is another great way to engage your audience. It allows your readers to participate and voice their opinion in an interactive way.

17. Niche Down (or Not?)

When it comes to blogging, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Some bloggers may find success by choosing to niche down and become an expert in a specific topic, while others may find success by covering a wide range of topics.

Niche blogging is a great way to show your expertise on a particular subject and build a loyal following. By focusing on one topic, you can create valuable content that speaks to a specific audience. Additionally, Google tends to favor niche blogs, so if you’re looking to increase your website’s visibility, this may be the way to go.

On the other hand, there are also advantages to covering a wide range of topics. This approach allows you to explore different topics, giving your blog a broader appeal. You may also be able to reach a larger audience, as readers may be interested in multiple topics.

18. Prefer Exit Intent Popups

Exit intent popups are a great way to grow your mailing list quickly. By displaying a popup when a visitor is about to leave your website, you can capture their attention and encourage them to subscribe to your list. This type of popup is proven to be more effective than other forms of opt-in forms, as it appears just as the visitor is about to leave and gives them one last chance to join your list.

Exit intent popups are easy to set up and can be customized to fit your website’s design. You can customize the text, design, and timing of the popup to ensure that it appears at the right time and has the right message. Additionally, you can use analytics to track the performance of your popups and make adjustments as needed.

When designing your exit intent popup, make sure to keep it simple and to the point. Avoid too much text or distracting images that could cause visitors to lose interest.

19. Optimize The Website’s Speed

Optimizing the loading speed of a website is essential for any successful blog. Not only is it important for improving user experience, but it is also a key ranking factor for Google. Optimizing the loading speed core web vitals of a website can be done in various ways.

First, reduce the number of requests made to the server by reducing the number of scripts, plugins, images, and videos. Minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files can also help reduce loading times. Additionally, using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) can help spread the load of delivering content to visitors across multiple global servers.

If this sounds obscure to you, try using a WordPress plugin like WP Rocket or contact an expert to do it for you.

Second, optimize images for web use. Images can take up a lot of space, so it is important to compress images before uploading them to the website. This can be done using a variety of tools such as Photoshop, Gimp, or online compressors.

Additionally, using the correct image format for the type of image can also help reduce the size of the image:

  • JPG usually works best for photos and graphics that have many shades of color
  • PNG works best when you have a limited number of colors. This format should also be preferred if you need to keep a better definition of the shapes, making it easier to read some text.
  • WEBP is an advanced format for images that can significantly reduce file size. It is advised to use a plugin or service to generate images using this format, because some browsers may not support it.

20. Check Your Grammar

Poor grammar can make your content hard to read and can leave a negative impression on potential readers. To ensure your blog posts are of the highest quality, make sure to check your grammar before you hit publish. This includes checking for spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and incorrect word usage.

A great way to check your grammar is to make use of a grammar checker. These tools are designed to help you identify mistakes in your writing and make corrections as needed. Most grammar checkers also provide an explanation as to why a certain correction is needed so you can learn from your mistakes.

Another tip for checking your grammar is to read your blog post out loud. This will help you catch any errors you may have missed when reading it silently. Additionally, reading your post out loud will help you get a sense of the flow of your writing and can help you identify awkward phrasing.

21. Measure Results Over Time

To ensure your blog posts are successful, track data over time and use advanced tools such as heatmaps to see how visitors are engaging with your content. This can help you optimize future efforts and improve user experience.

By tracking things like dwell times (how long someone stays on the page) you can begin understanding the types of content that hold viewers attention longer — giving you important insights pertaining towards creating better content going forward.

Analyzing organic traffic trends is key to understanding and optimizing your SEO efforts. By tracking the performance of various metrics over time, you can pinpoint which keywords and content are performing well, and make improvements that drive growth. Try monitoring metrics such as: page views, bounce rate, number of visits, average session duration, goals achieved and conversion rate.

Use Advanced Tools & Strategies

Well-informed bloggers know that measuring success isn’t a one-off task. Using advanced tools and strategies to track your performance over time is essential for driving traffic, SEO and conversions. Google Analytics, A/B testing, heat mapping and trend tracking are some of the powerful techniques you can use to measure your results. Additionally, using key metrics such as conversion rates and website load times will enable you to monitor how well your blog is performing. Analyzing data deep-dive style and tweaking strategies accordingly will help ensure you are always maximizing your blog’s potential.

Mistakes to AVOID when you Start Blogging

Starting a blog is an exciting journey, but it can also be an overwhelming one filled with missteps along the way. Here’s what you need to know to get started on the right foot and avoid common mistakes!

1. Not Starting with a Business Mindset

When starting a blog, it is essential to have a business mindset in order to ensure its success. This means having an understanding of the blog’s purpose, how it will make money, and the goals associated with it. It also means having an awareness of the competition in the niche and how the blog can stand out from the crowd. Having a business mindset will also help to keep the blog focused and organized, and to ensure that it is following the best practices for success.

Finally, having a business mindset means having an understanding of the blog’s finances.

When starting a blog, it is essential to prioritize content and link building. Content is the foundation of any successful blog, as it is what drives engagement and keeps readers coming back. Quality content should be well-researched and informative, as well as entertaining and engaging.

Link building is also essential, as it helps increase the visibility of your blog by driving more traffic to it. Internal links, as well as quality backlinks from other websites and blogs can help improve your blog’s SEO and rankings on search engines, as well as help to build credibility and authority.

Regularly publishing content also helps to keep readers engaged and interested in the blog.

3. Perfectionism

Perfectionism is often seen as a positive trait, but in the world of blogging, it can be a major stumbling block.

Perfectionism can lead to procrastination, an inability to finish tasks, and an inability to get content out in a timely manner. Perfectionism can also be crippling when it comes to self-promotion, as the desire to make everything perfect can lead to a lack of confidence in one’s work.

When starting a blog, it’s important to fight perfectionism in order to get content out quickly and efficiently. By avoiding perfectionism, one can focus on creating quality content and building links to drive traffic to the blog. It’s also important to remember that content can always be tweaked and improved upon.

One way to fight perfectionism is to set a timeline for content creation and promotion. When starting a blog, it’s important to set realistic goals and deadlines to ensure that content is published in a timely manner.

4. Avoid Bad Web Design

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid is bad web design. Poor design can be a major hindrance to success, as it can deter potential readers from visiting and staying on the blog. Good web design should be a priority to ensure that readers stay engaged and can easily navigate the blog.

Good web design should be simple and user-friendly. It should be easy to navigate, with clear navigation menus, and it should also be visually appealing. The design should be optimized for mobile devices, as many readers may be using them to access the blog. Additionally, the layout should be responsive, so that it adjusts to different screen sizes.

In addition to the look and feel, the content should also be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). This means that the content should be well-structured and easy to read, with the right keywords and meta tags. Additionally, images should be of high quality and optimized for the web.

5. Don’t Copy!

It is important to remember not to copy ANY content from other sources. This means avoiding plagiarism, which is a form of copyright infringement. Copying content can be a costly mistake, as it can lead to legal action and loss of credibility. Additionally, copying content can be a waste of time, as it takes away from creating unique and original content.

When creating content, it’s important to properly cite sources and give credit to the original authors. This shows respect for the original work and allows readers to learn more about the topic. Additionally, it can help to increase the credibility of the blog and its content.


What is a satisfactory daily view rate for a blog?

It’s difficult to say exactly how many views per day is good for a blog. Generally, having 1,000 unique visitors every day is a good goal if you want to monetize your blog. However, the exact number of views needed for success can vary depending on the type of content and level of engagement.

How many views are necessary for a newly created blog to be successful?

If you’re looking to make money from your blog, it’s important to get more than 1000 daily visitors. To ensure your success, focus on creating interesting and compelling content, as well as optimizing for search engines. Doing so will give your blog the viewers it needs to start seeing profits.

What are the causes of blogging failure?

Some bloggers fail because they don’t have clear goals or strategies in place. They often underestimate the amount of work that goes into blogging and lack the focus to consistently post quality content. Additionally, they may not take advantage of SEO techniques or utilize marketing tactics to help their blog gain traction. Without a dedicated effort to promote the blog and create content that resonates with readers, it can be difficult for a blog to gain a large following and build an audience.

What are the key qualities that make a blog successful?

  • Have an interesting and engaging theme.
  • Create high quality content that attracts readers.
  • Optimize posts for maximum visibility on search engines.
  • Be updated frequently to keep readers interested.
  • Engage with its audience regularly via social media.

What are the best ways to get 1000 views on my blog?

Generating 1000 views on your blog can be done by employing a few key tactics. Adopting SEO best practices, such as including backlinks and optimizing page titles, can help to dramatically increase your visibility in search engine results. Additionally, crafting quality content that is interesting and relevant to your target audience will attract readers to your blog. You can also promote your content via social media platforms and engage with audiences in online forums and communities related to your niche.

What are the rules to follow when blogging?

When it comes to blogging, there are some definite do’s and don’ts. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Do: Use SEO to ensure your blog post looks as good as possible on search engines.
  • Do: Create high-quality engaging content that will keep readers coming back for more.
  • Don’t: Copy ideas or writing from other blogs, as this is a form of plagiarism.
  • Don’t: Sell products and services on your blog, as this could damage your credibility.


Blogging can be a great career and is a great way to express yourself and your ideas to the world. By following the best blogging practices, you can ensure that your blog is successful and engaging for your readers.

By taking the time to learn how to write a great blog post, creating quality graphic content, use SEO tactics, and engage with your readers, you can create a blog that stands out from the crowd.

With the right mindset and dedication, you can create a blog that will be successful and enjoyable for both you and your readers.

Finally, if you need some great blog ideas for beginners, here are some amazing articles for you:

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